Thank you your message has been sent .
Dear Customer,
We are sorry to hear that you have encountered problems with our product. Thank you for reporting this issue and we want to assure you that we will do our best to resolve the problem quickly and in the best possible way.
We will contact you to discuss the next steps. We will respond as soon as possible, no later than 14 days after receiving your report.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We apologize for any inconvenience and will do our best to resolve your issues quickly.
MeesterGroup team
Customer Service:
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM (+48) 61 635 05 40
How do I make a complaint?
To make a complaint about a product, a description of the defects, the purchase document and photos of the defects must be sent to our email.
How long will I have to wait for my complaint to be processed?
We process complaints within a maximum of 14 days.
Will I have to send the whole product to you or just the damaged part?
The complaint procedure depends on the defect. After sending relevant information and photo documentation, we will offer convenient solutions.
Can I complain about a product by phone?
Unfortunately, it is not possible, complaints are processed only by e-mail.
What should a claim form contain?
To file a claim for a product, send a description of the defects, the purchase document and photos of the defects to our email.
Do I need to complete a claim form?
When sending the product for service – yes. When filing a complaint by e-mail, there is no need to do so.
Who bears the cost of shipping the goods to the service?
The cost of shipping the goods to the service shall be borne by the consumer.
Can I return the chair for a paid service if I no longer have a warranty?
Unfortunately, we do not provide paid service.
Czy ktoś przyjedzie do mnie naprawić fotel/biurko?
Niestety nie prowadzimy serwisu dojazdowego.